Thursday, March 20, 2014

First Week in Australia - OzIntro

Sydney Harbour

They say time flies when you're having fun, and boy were they right. My first week in Australia with the OzIntro team has been the most random, spontaneous, fun, drunken, and mind-blowing week I think I’ve ever had. Meeting some amazing new friends, the days just flew by and before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye over one last goon session. From jet boating around Sydney Harbour on the Monday, to surfing lessons, Bondi volleyball games and a trek through the Blue Mountains, you really can’t say that you don’t get your moneys worth with this company. With an amazing group of leaders, we’ve not only been shown the beautiful sights of Sydney, but also the cheapest alcohol to buy and the best dance moves to bust out in Side Bar on a Tuesday night - everything a backpacker needs to know and more! 

Group sizes vary with OzIntro, but we were lucky enough to be in a larger group of eighteen. At first the idea of having to sleep in a ten bed dorm with nine strangers was a little daunting, with the prospect of having to sleep on the top of a rickety bunk-bed even more scary…(the strategically placed selotape was slightly off putting) but I can honestly say it was the best and easiest weeks sleep I’ve had in a long time. No dreaded hostel snorers turned up, and apart from feeling like an earthquake was happening every time the person above me moved in their sleep, it was pretty peaceful. The fact that I haven’t slept by myself for two weeks now really doesn’t bother me as much as I thought it might. It feels normal to wake up in the morning and be surrounded by everyone else's belongings on the floor, or someone else's towel making a curtain at the end of your bed. There’s always the ‘what even happened last night’ conversation between bunks, and it’s also a great and easy way to meet new people who happen to be passing through for the odd night. 

As  previously mentioned, ‘goon’ played a big part in our introductory week to being Ozzy backpackers. From the word go we were told that goon would become our best friend and worst enemy at the same time. It would give us nights out that we would remember, and wouldn’t, for all different reasons. It’s basically just cheap boxed wine, but collectively referred to as goon - don’t ask, I’m sure there’s a real logical reason behind it somewhere… Within just days I’d experienced my first night out on the goon, quickly followed by my first horrific hangover. Note to self, never drink that much the night before a two hour drive to surfing lessons - a carrier bag will be on your lap for the duration and you will feel SHOCKING. But life goes on, and after the first wipe out on Ocean Beach life was peachy again. 

Surfing lessons with MojoSurf

There were countless times during the week where I’d look around and just think ‘holy crap, I’m actually here’, with one of those in particular being Fridays day trip to the Blue Mountains. With our tour guide Smokey at hand, we had access to every little possible fact you would want to know about Australia. Once friends with Steve Irwin, this guy knew EVERYTHING and could answer any question and tell any story. Of course, me being the super prepared person I am, turned up in my flimsy brand new converse and was told we’d be climbing over 3100 stairs - or ‘wet rocks covered in leaves’. It was hard I won’t lie, and there were times I wasn’t even looking at the view in terror of falling down and flying down the edge of a mountain - but the parts I did see were just incredible. I would honestly say it was the most beautiful natural thing I’ve ever had the pleasure to see, and despite the heart attack I felt was coming any minute during the climb back to the top, I’m so glad I did it. Safe to say I slept well that night! 

The Blue Mountains

OzIntro were also amazing in helping to plan, book and arrange the next two months for me. I arrived in Sydney having absolutely no idea of what it was I wanted to do after the first week, or where I even wanted to go - but after a travel talk from our leader Tom, and a one-to-one sit down it was suddenly made so easy. Myself, along with eight others in the group, will be sticking together and making our way up the East Coast - Byron Bay, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Noosa, Fraser Island, WhitSundays, Magnetic Island, Mission Beach - all the way up to Cairns. With a hop-on-hop-off ticket for the Greyhound buses, we have the ability to head wherever and whenever to any of these places. They also booked me skydiving, bungee (sorry Mum!), white water rafting, a canoe trip around the Everglades, surfing lessons, a trip to Steve Irwin’s zoo and many more added extras. To say I’m excited for the next eight weeks would be a slight understatement… 

So, if any of you are thinking about traveling Australia but aren’t sure how to go about it, or have no one to go with, then I can’t recommend OzIntro highly enough. You’ll make friends within the first hour of being with your group, and the time you’ll have will just be incredible - I’ve already put down my deposit for ThaiIntro next year! 

Amazing week, amazing people :) 

A few side notes - 

Don’t walk into the corner of a metal drawer shin first. It’ll hurt, it’ll bleed, and it’ll be the lamest injury story you’ll have.

Don’t collide with someone else whilst surfing - again, it’ll hurt and you’ll be left with a lovely pink scar on your knee. Although to be fair, it’s slightly cooler than the drawer scar. 

And lastly, don’t underestimate the beauty of a suitcase. Who care about being an ‘authentic backpacker’, secretly everyones jealous of your new wheels as you zoom down the street ahead - no sore back for you! 

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